
Monday, October 31, 2011

Opening Avtivity

 Accountants or Accounting is having to do with the company income and outcome. measuring and calculating all the financial informations that help the manage and investors. 

By analyzing revenues, costs, financial liabilities, and assets, accountants are able to calculate future cash flows fairly accurately.

5 related careers.
Accounting Manager/Supervisor: calculate, input, and verify data on a regular basis. 
Assistant Controller: controllers assist in leading the daily activities of an accounting organization.
Clerk: associates planning to work their way into higher level positions often start as accounting clerks.

Controller: developing and implementing efficient policies, procedures, and practices is the main priority of a controller.
Director: accounting, payroll, and cost accounting functions are direct responsibilities of the accounting director.

CMA: Certified Management Accountant is a professional designation.
CGA: Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants is a not-for-profit entity incorporated by a Special Act of the Canadian Parliament

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Opening Activity

- What is working well with your group for this project?  
Everything so far working good, we got our products, menu, strategy, positions, website, business card and hopefully we will be able to get a lot of consumers. 

- What do you wish would work better?
It would be better if we had more time to sell our products.

 - How can you work better?
More costumers will bring more work, so to keep our business going we need costumers that will buy our product and encourage us.

 - How can you encourage others to work better?
The purpose of this is to make money and to do that we need to work harder and satisfy our costumers. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Opening Activity

Business can end up with a bad reputations if in the business you have bad employee that doesn't know how to treat consumers, in business consumers are number 1, treat them with respect and good manners, provide consumers need. Bad reputations are not always the business fault, the business might go better with good and smart people controlling it. A company can change it negative public image by maybe adjusting their products so they have more consumers or maybe changing the staff members.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Opening Activity/ video

He is moving toward energy that will not destroy or kill our planet, our environment and destroy other countries and the future generation. to make the clean clear energy free. we should control the energy, save the energy so that people in poor countries don't have to do because of thirst. I think he got a great idea to save our planet, he is saying that instead of using electricity, instead use a plastic material to put on your class, that material will collect the energy from the sun, witch is nature energy that has no harms and if you don't need or want the energy you can easily send it to a friend or family.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Opening Activity

Author Isaac Asimov once stated, “Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what’s right.” State in your own words what you think Asimov meant.

The statement means that no matter how much manners you have you should always say the truth, for an example if you see your friend cheating on a test you, you know it's wrong and you should tell but you can't because you know your friend will get in a trouble, so according to the statement it saying that no matter what you should still tell the truth.
People often rationalize their actions so that they twist their sense of morality to just do whatever they feel like doing, regardless of whether or not its right or wrong.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What do you do if

What do you do if: 

- Your friend asks you to add a few extra hours to a work time sheet for him, but you know that he did not put in the time.

I would talk to him about it and tell him that he made a mistake and that I'm sure that he didn't put in the time. If he refuses and still want to add up more hours I will have to go talk to principle or manager and tell him what i know.

 - A salesperson in an electronics store offers to sell you an iPod after hours at a discounted price.
If I didn't want it no matter how cheep it is and how much discount he gives me, i will tell him that i'm not interested, and that i might think about it or I have one already. If I needed one and the guy was selling it for good price then i'll get it.

 - You are aware that the teller gave you back too much money when completing a banking transaction.
I would go back to the teller and tell him that he made a mistake and it would be better if he recount the money, so when he count the money again he will find out that i was right and i would return the money  to him.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

unethical and morally wrong product

What are some products that you think could be considered unethical and morally wrong? Select one of these products and explain why you believe this is the case.

I think Cigarette and Alcohol are both bad for people. Most of the lung and body diseases comes from cigar, cigar can kill people and very harm for babies, even if you don't like smoking and you don't smoke someone else might, in that case you are getting more damage because now you considered a second hand smoker.
Alcohol is even worse than cigar, alcohol makes people drank witch means they don't have control over their actions, alcohol causes people to die, diseases, accidents, harming other and way other more thinks that alcohol does.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Inside Job Film Study.

Herald News coverage of Occupy Calgary

A group of protesters stayed overnight in Olympic Plaza on Saturday, protesting for the incomes and income disparity to homeless. Protesters said that they can stay as long as they want, as they they slept overnight at the Olympic Plaza on Saturday and Sunday. 
The Calgary Police Cervices said they don't have any action planed. Calgary Police Services also said that "As long as there is no public safety hazard, then we’ll continue to police this the way we have been". One of the protesters who spent Sunday at the downtown Plaza said “Because that way of life is our target,” “We’re just trying to continue the energy.”

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Career Fair

1. What kind of business?
2. What's enrolment?
3. How do you target your market?

1. AMBROSE University College 

  •  offer different degrees.
  •  Career Fair, and visit high schools.
  •  get students to apply and enrol them to class.

2. Academy of learning, career and business college

  •  Private College.
  •  2 campuses in Calgary, about 200 students.
  •  Their market is everybody who is looking for a job and training.

3. ST Mary's University, College

  •  Not for profit, private.
  •  65%.
  •  19 average students in class.

4. Mount Royal University

  •  non profit.
  •  8500 students.
  •  visit schools, career fairs.

5. College of the Rockies

  •  non profit.
  •  2500.
  •  focus group for high school students and adults, social media, school visit, public visit, and survey.  

Eliot Spitzer

Eliot Spitzer, Attorney General & New York Governor:

Eliot Spitzer was elected in 1998 and 2002 as New York state Attorney General. In November 2006, Spitzer was elected as Governor of New York state.
On March 10, 2008, Spitzer was alleged in the New York Times to be involved with a prostitution ring. Spitzer resigned from office on March 12, 2008.
Starting Oct 4, 2010, Spitzer became co-anchor of a one-hour CNN program with conservative Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker, a political analysis show that debuted to low ratings and loads of critical chatter.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Opening Activity

Why do you think it's become so popular? What do you think of the statement?

I think it became popular because this girl is the first millionaire girl that actually not only care and feel bad or sorry about these homeless, with no freedoms people but do as what they do, protect their rights and protest wit them for their freedom.
I think the girl is brave enough to support her feelings and thinking, maybe if everyone did the same as her, there will be changes.
The girl is rich but the government is not taxing her enough, witch is not fair because the government taxes poor or average people more than rich people.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Occupy Wallstreet

  • Who is Occupy Wallstreet about?
  • People who doesn't matter what their identity is, but all matters is that their freedom has been largely taken away from them. And people who having financial difficulties.
  • What happened?
  • People protesting for freedom, their right to talk, to speak about themselves, to share their opinion. 
  • Where did it take place?
  • It mostly was in Occupy Wallstreet witch is in US, but as so on protesters start protesting for their right all worldwide. 
  • When did it take place?
  • One September 17th, 2011
  • Why did it happen?
  • People can't find job, all broke can't treat them selves, can't afford food or clothes.
  • How did it happen?
  • People from different organizations came and gave away free clothes, food, and assigned programs for some homeless with no freedom people who were protesting for their freedom.
  • These people communicate through network.
why would someone do this, and how does this relate to business class?
because they are affected financially, they have lost their jobs, have no right to do anything, so they got no other choice they had to protest and show their anger. In business class what ever happens to the world effect business and companies. Because these people are protesting against rick people who they think are eating their money, witch will affect businesses.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Secret of Success in 8 words

The guy sitting in an airplane where he meet this high school girl who came from a poor family. she wanted to do something successful in life so she asked the guy what is the way to success?
He didn't know the answer, so when he got off of the airplane he found out that he is surrounded by successful people all around him so he thought if he questioned people about what is the way to success he might get an answer. After 7 years of interviewing 500 people he found out that there are 8 ways to success, they are:-

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Opening Activity

Ads are what makes your work or the product look good, bright, creative and grapes people attention.
The best and most successful ads are the ones that have crisp copy, strong visuals, good design, focusing, simple and easy to understand. 
For an example: FedEx- Office Products.
                         : Sprite Ice Blue.
What facts or characteristics are true of good advertisements:
easy to understand
attract attention 

Give examples of bad advertisements:
teach in a foreign lane

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Our all business meeting is posted on Marcus' blog.

Opening Activity

Everybody is smart but no one knows their ability not until they have a goal. so to have a goal is to know how amazing and creative you are, when you achieve a goal just then u know that you are a great leader that have a great idea that might helps someone. To achieve a goal is to know that you will live a successful life. Then you know what you have done in life.
Goals are energizing once someone have a goal they know that they have to work hard do all their best to achieve it and make it come true, and know that their thinking and creation didn't go to waste.
Energizing goals are challenging goals, challenging your self and brings competitions.
It feels really good achieving a goal, feels successful, bright, and it courages you to think harder and come up with new ideas and creations.

Monday, October 3, 2011


My job is vice-president of marketing and sales. We're sharing work equally among the group

Opening Activity

1) share your opinion
2) prepared and on time
3) creative ( new ideas)
4) hard worker
5) give instructions