
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What do you do if

What do you do if: 

- Your friend asks you to add a few extra hours to a work time sheet for him, but you know that he did not put in the time.

I would talk to him about it and tell him that he made a mistake and that I'm sure that he didn't put in the time. If he refuses and still want to add up more hours I will have to go talk to principle or manager and tell him what i know.

 - A salesperson in an electronics store offers to sell you an iPod after hours at a discounted price.
If I didn't want it no matter how cheep it is and how much discount he gives me, i will tell him that i'm not interested, and that i might think about it or I have one already. If I needed one and the guy was selling it for good price then i'll get it.

 - You are aware that the teller gave you back too much money when completing a banking transaction.
I would go back to the teller and tell him that he made a mistake and it would be better if he recount the money, so when he count the money again he will find out that i was right and i would return the money  to him.

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