
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Opening Activities

I think that her facts are correct but not all of them, I think her numbers are not very right, I don't thing that only %15 of women are at the top, I have seen women that are way higher than men, I have seen women who own companies and businesses. women have a lot of roles inside and outside the house, I don't really think that at any point that the world would change if women had more leadership roles. I think that people can choose what they want to be, so if a women want to play a big role in life, it doesn't matter what other responsibilities she have she should be able to play the big role.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Opening activity

My business name is Coffee Lovers
I think my business name is perfect, I think that it's costumers attracter,
It's comforting and familiar name, and I think that most of the customers should be able to remember it.
It's short and understandable.
It doesn't have puns.
It doesn't have the word "Inc".

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Opening Activity

1. I will do my bookkeeping by using a software program witch is Microsoft work office, I will draw a table with two columns one for time other for coasts, so that the coasts and time involved are established.
My bookkeeper will be checked and saved daily to add all the new coasts, time, material, money, etc.

2. Through the products pricing assignment, I learned that our company fixed coasts are more than the variable coasts.
3. If I work hard with costumers and provide their need and a good services with good products, they will be satisfied witch means they will come and buy our products all time, and they will also tell others to come and try our services, so... more consumers = income increase/ more money. so now I will guarantee that i'm going to get paid on time. 

Monday, September 26, 2011

opening activity

our competitions like McDonald's, Tim Horton and Starbucks, these restaurant and cafe have good products, different category , for example: black coffee, hot chocolate, french vanilla, and more others. 
also there prices are good, they don't charge too much but they still get profits, and sometimes there are specials, like at McDonald's you get a cup of coffee for $1:75 and you'll get free muffin with it. they market their goods and services through their store, they have ads on magazines and also on their website.
it's possible and easy to talk to their staff and consumer.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ray Anderson

Ray Anderson on the business logic of sustainability

I think it was really boring, and I didn't understand a single word he said.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

survey question

how often do you drink coffee?
why do you drink coffee?
do you consider that coffee is part of a lifestyle?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

slide 1:
it's ironic because the guy is yelling at them telling them to row when he have the most weight and he is not even helping them.

slide 2:
profit: Nike
non-profit: YMCA ( Young Men's Christian Association)
not for profit: red cross
a non-profile is not established for the purpose of making a profit;  not entered into for money.
a not for profit is Incorporated organization not intended to provide a profit to its owners or members.

slide 3:
I can see that this company business is going down because of the other competition, so the owner of the business think that they need to scare people to buy their products.

slide 4:
anything above coasts and expenses is profit.

slide 5:
the positive is that it's good for the environment to use a alternative source of energy.
the negative is that oil is a big part in this would so imagine what it can do if there is no more oil engineering, first of all a lot of people will lose their source of living.

slide 6:

slide 7:
farmville because in this game you have to make sure that your products are in good shape so you can sell them or trade them with oil, fuel or other equipment.

Friday, September 16, 2011

The video

the video will help me improve my business. the video taught me that people are not the same, they don't have the same flavour. every person have their own personality that's why in my business, witch is the coffee shop, i need to have different type of coffees that suits everyone. this will improve my business because people will be able to find their favourite coffee in my shop, witch means they will be coming to my shop all time, so.... I'll get more customers, more benefits, and more incomes. and will make my shop popular.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How do convincing speakers vary their speech when they speak for different purposes and to different people?

it depends on who are the people they are talking too, and it's all about changing the tone, if talking to a customer they try to give them the best offer and have a relaxed, fast tone, they talk about all the advantiges of the products and the saving that can happen. 
if talking to a friend or a relative or family member, then their speech will be relaxed, usual talk, no nervous or worrying about the come back.

business unlimited cash

What would happen to businesses if everyone had unlimited cash?
there is a negative and a positive way on businesses if everyone had unlimited cash

negative: I think that businesses won't work very good because there will be no challenging. there will be no point of businesses because all businesses will not require to make money.

positive: But if all people had unlimited cash then It'll be good for businesses, because businesses will had a lot of profits, and businesses owners will have a lot of benefits. because people will get everything they see even if they don't want it just because they have unlimited money.