
Sunday, September 18, 2011

slide 1:
it's ironic because the guy is yelling at them telling them to row when he have the most weight and he is not even helping them.

slide 2:
profit: Nike
non-profit: YMCA ( Young Men's Christian Association)
not for profit: red cross
a non-profile is not established for the purpose of making a profit;  not entered into for money.
a not for profit is Incorporated organization not intended to provide a profit to its owners or members.

slide 3:
I can see that this company business is going down because of the other competition, so the owner of the business think that they need to scare people to buy their products.

slide 4:
anything above coasts and expenses is profit.

slide 5:
the positive is that it's good for the environment to use a alternative source of energy.
the negative is that oil is a big part in this would so imagine what it can do if there is no more oil engineering, first of all a lot of people will lose their source of living.

slide 6:

slide 7:
farmville because in this game you have to make sure that your products are in good shape so you can sell them or trade them with oil, fuel or other equipment.

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