
Friday, November 18, 2011

To manage is to forecast and plan, to organize, to command, & to control”.

-planning is deciding in advance - what to do, when to do & how to do. Future course of action & deciding in advance the most appropriate course of actions for achievement of pre-determined goals.
-Organizing is the process of bringing together physical, financial and human resources and developing productive relationship for achieving organizational goals.
-Staffing is the function of manning the organization structure and keeping it manned.
-Directing is giving efficient orders for achievement of organizational purposes.
-Controlling is It implies measurement of accomplishment against the standards and correction of deviation if any to ensure achievement of organizational goals.

- problem solving & decision making
- Planning is to achieve desired goals. 
- systematic thinking about ways & means for accomplishment of pre-determined goals.
- proper utilization of human & non-human resources.
- helps in avoiding confusion, uncertainties, risks, wastages etc.

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