
Thursday, December 8, 2011


4Ps is the marketing strategies which are place, product, price and people.
AIDA stands for Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action. 

slide #1: 
poster is informative: average- because they have the product, place and i'm not sure if its clear enough about the price or people.
spelling and grammer: excelling- no mistakes in grammer or spelling.
neatness: excelling- letters are easy to read and neat. 
AIDA: needs improvement- poster is unattractive.
pictures and graphics: average- organized pictures.

slide #2:
poster is informative: average- because it includes the place, product, people but not price.
spelling and grammers: excellent- no mistakes.
neatness: average- the writing is a bit small.
AIDA: average- 
pictures and graphs: excelling- pictures are effective.

slide #3:
poster is informative: excelling- the 4ps are provided. 
spelling and grammer: average- 
neatness: average
AIDA: average
pictures and graphs average

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