
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Answer questions in terms of business studies:

1. There has been debate over if this movie is genuine or a "mockumentary". What do you think? If it was a mockumentary - why would Bansky do this?
I think this movie is genuine, because it's real, and not meant to be just a joke or to mock anyone, just showing the great art and the main point of every art peace that the Bansky created. 
2. What do you think the street artists are trying to get across to the public with their graffiti?
How can you tell they were effective?
they are trying to show how the world is mean, harsh, small and surrounded by harming, ignorant people. and people just want to be free, enough wars. It was effective because people liked their art peaces and they were paying a lot for it . 
3. What do you think that Mr. Brain Wash was trying to get across to the public with his art? Was he effective?
even if you did not create a particular genre, you are still able to try and perfect it, it was effective because people liked his show and they paid a lot of money by buying his art peaces. 
4. What do you see as the key differences between the street artists work and MBW's work?
street art is what the artiest think and represent through their art and has a big message to it. 
MBW's work is an image doesn't always has a message just an image of art. 

5. At the end of the show lots of people showed up to the art show.  Why the long line? What brought so many people together?
because Bansky and Fairy put their names on it. 

6. Graffiti: Is it art or vandalism? How would you react to someone painting on your wall? What similarities do you see between graffiti and guerilla marketing? Where is the line for Shepard Fairey or Banksy, when they move from making art against the mainstream machines into making money off of their art from the mainstream machines? Did they sell out or did they achieve success?

it's both art and vandalism, if it was a nice paint i wouldn't mind it, or don't mind them express them self, but if it was something creepy and weird i would mind. at first they had a belief and they were making their art peaces out of it, then people start to like their art message so people were buying it and it achieved a great success, even though it was not mad for profits. 

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