
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Answer questions in terms of business studies:

1. There has been debate over if this movie is genuine or a "mockumentary". What do you think? If it was a mockumentary - why would Bansky do this?
I think this movie is genuine, because it's real, and not meant to be just a joke or to mock anyone, just showing the great art and the main point of every art peace that the Bansky created. 
2. What do you think the street artists are trying to get across to the public with their graffiti?
How can you tell they were effective?
they are trying to show how the world is mean, harsh, small and surrounded by harming, ignorant people. and people just want to be free, enough wars. It was effective because people liked their art peaces and they were paying a lot for it . 
3. What do you think that Mr. Brain Wash was trying to get across to the public with his art? Was he effective?
even if you did not create a particular genre, you are still able to try and perfect it, it was effective because people liked his show and they paid a lot of money by buying his art peaces. 
4. What do you see as the key differences between the street artists work and MBW's work?
street art is what the artiest think and represent through their art and has a big message to it. 
MBW's work is an image doesn't always has a message just an image of art. 

5. At the end of the show lots of people showed up to the art show.  Why the long line? What brought so many people together?
because Bansky and Fairy put their names on it. 

6. Graffiti: Is it art or vandalism? How would you react to someone painting on your wall? What similarities do you see between graffiti and guerilla marketing? Where is the line for Shepard Fairey or Banksy, when they move from making art against the mainstream machines into making money off of their art from the mainstream machines? Did they sell out or did they achieve success?

it's both art and vandalism, if it was a nice paint i wouldn't mind it, or don't mind them express them self, but if it was something creepy and weird i would mind. at first they had a belief and they were making their art peaces out of it, then people start to like their art message so people were buying it and it achieved a great success, even though it was not mad for profits. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

top 10 restaurants

Write a list of places you like to eat. Take me on a restaurant website photo tour of your favourite spots. Top ten sites

1. olive garden

2. villa Madina

3. Moxies http 

4. Opa http

5. Glenmore inn

6. swiss chalet

7. canadian pizza unlimited

8. tim horton

9. steak house

10. subway

Monday, December 19, 2011

Dream trip

If you were a tourist agent what would you be pitching for the upcoming holidays? Find a dream trip online, cost it out as if you were shopping for a trip for a family of four and convince me I should take the trip by marketing it on your blog.

For the upcoming holidays dream trip, the family will be going to Florida, Miami. It's a great, relaxing place to go for vacation. it's only $99 each person- one way flight. 
Book by December 21, 2011 for travel on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays until March 7, 2012. hotels are very cheap, and easy to get. you can also book a hotel room/ rooms online by WestJet. and there are a lot of hotels price start from $100-$300 a night, you can search for more on 

Remember, when you fly with WestJet, your first checked bag is free

Friday, December 16, 2011

Imagine you've just come into ten million dollars... put together a wish list of epic proportions. Your going to open 10 business. What businesses make the cut? Include a picture to a competition business site.

these are the businesses: 

building.jpg1. Child care centre - 


2. restaurant -  


3. taxi company - 


4. salon - 


5. convient store - 


6. catering - 


7. cleaning/ lawn services -


8. tutoring -  

scrumptious_cocktails_party_planning_business_card-p240611819361256691zv80x_400.jpg9. party planing - 


10. personal organizer/ personal trainer - 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Advertisement opening activity

I'm selling my 3gs iphone.

This Iphone is the best looking, it's white which everyone loves. Very efficient, till now i have had it for almost a year, and nothing happened to it. i take a good care of it, it's safe, never dropped it. It's clean, no breaks, no screeching, it's unlocked so goes with every single phone company. Nothing is replaced. 
It also comes with a charger, and i still have the backege of it. it's 16GB and only for $120. 

If i put my ad on the Calgary Herald it will coast me:
Sunday-wednesday $6.14/line
Friday $7.37/line
Saturday $6.82/line                                                                             

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Holidays fashion

All of the following products can be found on-line.

Festive Colors and Pattern Options    imgres.jpgFestive hues of red, white, green, and black are always appropriate. This year, we've seen a lot of pattern combinations as well -- velvet and lace, sombre colors, and baby dolls. 

Leather and Furbalmain-2009-fall-leather-jacket-2.jpgLeather is back in the form of skirts, jackets, pants, and even accessories. Fur vests are in as well. 

Classic Black and White963_P_1299405010599.jpgNot much movement in formal attire trends, except to say that playful combinations are vogue-ish. Plaids and polka dots are very in.

Red Tights imgres.jpgThe three must-haves are brown, black, and grey opaque. Red tights are a playful option for holiday parties.

Big, Big Broochesimgres.jpgOversized brooches and rings are a great complement to sheer tights and slim looks.

Bold Belts imgres.jpgA dramatically-colored belt is the perfect transition piece during the holidays.

Overstated Necklaces 470_2078141.1.jpgThe perfect update to your little black dress. Piece in bold gold make for a strong fashion investment.

Bags with Chain Handles imgres.jpgFunky hardware adds zest, especially at a semi-formal holiday party.

Dramatic Cosmetics imgres.jpgSmokey eyes using blues and metallic shades with long eyelashes and smudged eyeliner are very in this season. Lip color is natural with plenty of glitter or hot shades of red ranging from ruby to burgundy.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Leadership styles- opening activity

First of all I would talk to the employee is there is anything wrong, maybe they don't like the work they are doing so i'll find a solution, maybe they have problem at home or feeling tired. 
I would use the Democratic leadership style. I will let the employee make their own decision, give the employee the choice weather they want to stay and work or a better solution which is taking the day off, or maybe take a short break to relax for a minute and continue working. I will just let the employee take their own decision for their own good. 

Friday, December 9, 2011

The website didn't work, you gave me an extension.
what can you take from that leader that applies to your own business?
he said in order to be a successful leader, you need to focus on relationships first then do your work. this means that you need to respect people, respect their culture, serve them and treat them good. 
the leader is the business so be a good leader get a good business/

Marketing in physics

marketing in physics

physics can teach us a lot about marketing. newton's law a=f/m, acceleration= force of the object over the mass of the object. For a large mass it required more force to change the direction. The more mass of a brand baggage it has the more force it needs to change its positioning.
To make more profits companies give different names to the brand to separate them. The bigger the brand the more difficult it is to replace it. You can measure what consumers actually do than say what they do. You cant prove hypothesis through observation, you can only disprove it. It will make it strong but not prove it. No matter how much you invested in your brand one week of not enough work can destroy everything. Entropy is the measure of disorder of a system.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


4Ps is the marketing strategies which are place, product, price and people.
AIDA stands for Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action. 

slide #1: 
poster is informative: average- because they have the product, place and i'm not sure if its clear enough about the price or people.
spelling and grammer: excelling- no mistakes in grammer or spelling.
neatness: excelling- letters are easy to read and neat. 
AIDA: needs improvement- poster is unattractive.
pictures and graphics: average- organized pictures.

slide #2:
poster is informative: average- because it includes the place, product, people but not price.
spelling and grammers: excellent- no mistakes.
neatness: average- the writing is a bit small.
AIDA: average- 
pictures and graphs: excelling- pictures are effective.

slide #3:
poster is informative: excelling- the 4ps are provided. 
spelling and grammer: average- 
neatness: average
AIDA: average
pictures and graphs average

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Opening Activity

I think the category that will generate the most profit for the store is the food category. School supplies will get a good profit too, but not as much as food because it's school people should be prepared when they come to school they should have everything they need with them so not a lot will buy the supplies. Clothing, I think the clothing price is good but not a lot of people might want to buy it. So I thought the best was food because the majority of students take some snack in the morning or at lunch, and that will make a good profit.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Imagine you were given a job to market the ugliest christmas sweater ever. Write a list of things you could say to convince someone to buy the sweater.

1. It's new no one has it yet, so be the first to get it.
2. It keeps you warm.
3. It got great colours for everyone, and it matches the Christmas tree.
4. Try it and you will love it.
5. After they try it, it looks gorgeous on you, and it matches your skin colour. 

Friday, November 18, 2011

To manage is to forecast and plan, to organize, to command, & to control”.

-planning is deciding in advance - what to do, when to do & how to do. Future course of action & deciding in advance the most appropriate course of actions for achievement of pre-determined goals.
-Organizing is the process of bringing together physical, financial and human resources and developing productive relationship for achieving organizational goals.
-Staffing is the function of manning the organization structure and keeping it manned.
-Directing is giving efficient orders for achievement of organizational purposes.
-Controlling is It implies measurement of accomplishment against the standards and correction of deviation if any to ensure achievement of organizational goals.

- problem solving & decision making
- Planning is to achieve desired goals. 
- systematic thinking about ways & means for accomplishment of pre-determined goals.
- proper utilization of human & non-human resources.
- helps in avoiding confusion, uncertainties, risks, wastages etc.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Opening Activity

So... we're managing our businesses... right? How's it going? Managers come in many forms. Your teachers, coaches, parents, and friends all exhibit the characteristics of managers. Think about some of these people that you respect and with whom you've enjoyed working. How did they motivate you to work harder? How can you use this in your work? 

There are a lot of people that motivate me all the time in different ways. I respect everyone, but people who I care about are close friends and family. My greatest motivator is my best friend, because we are the same age she understand me very well and we think a like just like sisters, so so far she have been my  biggest motivator in different ways for example in working out, in studying harder in being successful, and everything else. I respect her opinions and she is the best person to talk to. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Opening Activity

Name a product that is in the decline stage of it's life cycle. Make recommendations for the product at this stage and give reasons for your answer.

Decline stage is eventually when the sales begin to decline as the market become saturated, the product becomes technologically obsolete, or consumer taste change. 
The VCR player is an example of a product in the decline stage of its life cycle. Because there are new, better, more efficient products are coming out and they are smaller, easier and nicer. therefore, not a lot of people still use the VCR anymore.  

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


This weekend you worked on "PYP". What did you like about the product? What did you wish was different? Who would this product appeal to? How could you market to them within the school?

PYP is a personal yearbook page. I like the idea of having a page all about you, it's interesting looking at others pictures and activities and get to know new people, what they like and their hobbies and interest. 
the yearbook is a creative way to express your self, and it also a main point in representing the school.
What i like about the yearbook page is you can edit it the way you want, the decoration, designs, pictures, effects, and more others. The edit page gives you a lot of options beside create your own. This appears to all the students in the school and teachers and who ever want to buy the yearbook.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Guerilla Marketing

What is Guerilla Marketing?
the concept of Guerrilla Marketing was invented as an unconventional system of promotions that relies on time, energy and imagination rather than a big market budget.

The idea I like the best is the red slide instead of the stairs because it's fun it's faster and you don't have to take the stairs. Instead of walking the whole time you can take a little fun break and take adventure slide instead of stairs, it gives you a bit of fun time and wakes you up. Also it travels you faster, if the stairs take you a min the slide will take you seconds, and its for all ages. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Generation Y

Do you think they are right about generation Y? How can you use this "consumer behaviour" analysis to further your company?

I think they are right about generation Y, this generation is more into taking the easy, simple way. they love communications texting, facebooking, yahoo, hotmails, tumblrs, and others. so If you come up with new products and someone buys it from your company, they will spread it around to friend, and friends to family and friends. so this way your business will be successful and work and what ever other products you will come up with, people will buy it because they liked the other product.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Opening Activity

Is it possible for a business to be solvent but not profitable? Why or why not?

Solvent is being capable of meeting financial obligation.
not profitable is loss-making, unprofitable.
Solvency is always a primary issue for the owner or chief financial officer of an on-going business. But it is a concern that goes well beyond the bean counters. It can also have a major impact on acquisitions, divestitures, payments to shareholders, reorganizations, tax filings, and other financial transactions.
it is possible fore a business to be able to meet the financial obligation for a not profitable business, it an be supported by some strong economy company, or can get their profit from donations.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sample balance sheet

Define 5 of the 7 assets.
1- Cash: A current asset account which includes currency, coins, checking accounts, and undeposited checks received from customers
2- Petty cash: A current asset account that represents an amount of cash for making small disbursements for postage due, supplies, etc.
3- Temporary investments: A current asset account which contains the amount of investments that can and will be sold in the near future.
4- Inventory: A current asset whose ending balance should report the cost of a merchandiser's products awaiting to be sold.
5- Prepaid insurances: A current asset which indicates the cost of the insurance contract (premiums) that have been paid in advance.

In terms of accounts receivable what is a doubtful account?.
Name given to an account that records the sums (accounts) whose collection looks uncertain. Such accounts are termed 'bad debts' and are usually written off against the profit of the firm as expense. 

Look at each section (assets, liabilities, equity) in detail.
Assets: a single item of ownership having exchange value.
Liabilities: moneys owed; debts or pecuniary obligations.
Equity: something that is fair and just.

Explain the difference between assets, liabilities and equity.
Assets, liabilities and owners' equity are the three components that make up a company's balance sheet. The balance sheet, which shows a business's financial condition at any point, is based on this equation:
Assets = Liabilities + Owners' Equity

Briefly discuss the distinctive groupings under each section and explain why they exist. 
petty cash
temporary investments
accounts receivable - net
prepaid insurance

notes payable
accounts payable
wages payable
interest payable
warranty liability
unearned revenue

Stockholders equity
trade names
common stock
retained earnings
treasury stock

Where are earnings shown on the balance sheet? What do earnings represent in terms of equity? 
retained earnings :A stockholders' equity account that generally reports the net income of a corporation from its inception until the balance sheet date less the dividends declared from its inception to the date of the balance sheet.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Opening Avtivity

 Accountants or Accounting is having to do with the company income and outcome. measuring and calculating all the financial informations that help the manage and investors. 

By analyzing revenues, costs, financial liabilities, and assets, accountants are able to calculate future cash flows fairly accurately.

5 related careers.
Accounting Manager/Supervisor: calculate, input, and verify data on a regular basis. 
Assistant Controller: controllers assist in leading the daily activities of an accounting organization.
Clerk: associates planning to work their way into higher level positions often start as accounting clerks.

Controller: developing and implementing efficient policies, procedures, and practices is the main priority of a controller.
Director: accounting, payroll, and cost accounting functions are direct responsibilities of the accounting director.

CMA: Certified Management Accountant is a professional designation.
CGA: Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants is a not-for-profit entity incorporated by a Special Act of the Canadian Parliament

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Opening Activity

- What is working well with your group for this project?  
Everything so far working good, we got our products, menu, strategy, positions, website, business card and hopefully we will be able to get a lot of consumers. 

- What do you wish would work better?
It would be better if we had more time to sell our products.

 - How can you work better?
More costumers will bring more work, so to keep our business going we need costumers that will buy our product and encourage us.

 - How can you encourage others to work better?
The purpose of this is to make money and to do that we need to work harder and satisfy our costumers. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Opening Activity

Business can end up with a bad reputations if in the business you have bad employee that doesn't know how to treat consumers, in business consumers are number 1, treat them with respect and good manners, provide consumers need. Bad reputations are not always the business fault, the business might go better with good and smart people controlling it. A company can change it negative public image by maybe adjusting their products so they have more consumers or maybe changing the staff members.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Opening Activity/ video

He is moving toward energy that will not destroy or kill our planet, our environment and destroy other countries and the future generation. to make the clean clear energy free. we should control the energy, save the energy so that people in poor countries don't have to do because of thirst. I think he got a great idea to save our planet, he is saying that instead of using electricity, instead use a plastic material to put on your class, that material will collect the energy from the sun, witch is nature energy that has no harms and if you don't need or want the energy you can easily send it to a friend or family.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Opening Activity

Author Isaac Asimov once stated, “Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what’s right.” State in your own words what you think Asimov meant.

The statement means that no matter how much manners you have you should always say the truth, for an example if you see your friend cheating on a test you, you know it's wrong and you should tell but you can't because you know your friend will get in a trouble, so according to the statement it saying that no matter what you should still tell the truth.
People often rationalize their actions so that they twist their sense of morality to just do whatever they feel like doing, regardless of whether or not its right or wrong.